Wagner, founder of RetailMavens, is a retail coach and consultant. As a former retail store owner, she learned how to master numbers to go from near bankrupt to owning three successful multimillion dollar stores. Wagner now uses her cutting-edge expertise in retail and consumer behavior to help thousands of independent retailers increase sales and improve cash flow.
In her one hour opening keynote session, Fastest Path to Cash and Calm - Increase Your Cash Flow Now, Wagner will share powerful action steps to project and improve your cash flow so you can enjoy the calm of knowing you can pay your bills - even during off seasons.
Attendees will learn:
- How to create a cash flow projection for the next 12 months so you can take action to improve it
- Seven quick tips to manage your cash flow every day
- Two strategies that will increase your cash flow now
“The Coastal Connections Conference is the perfect place for seaside retailers to come together to share experiences and ideas,” says Wagner. “I am looking forward to providing them with opportunities for increased sales and growth that will elevate their stores to the next level.”
“We are thrilled to have RetailMavens founder Cathy Donovan Wagner as this year’s keynote speaker,” says Kristin Ely, executive editor and associate publisher, of Seaside Retailer. “Her deep retail knowledge allows her to understand the unique aspects of running a seaside retail store. She’ll reveal important takeaways attendees can apply immediately in their business.”
The keynote session will be held Tuesday, Oct. 4 from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions during the session.
More information about the Coastal Connections Conference is available at www.coastalconnectionsconference.com.