Finding synergy

By Mary Williams-Villano

Frenchy’s Off the Hook Gift Shop, Clearwater Beach, Florida, and Frenchy’s Cafe next door cross-pollinate each other nicely. The line-out-the-door popularity of the Frenchy’s eateries assures a steady flow of customers into the shop. Show a receipt from any of the Frenchy’s restaurants and get 10% off of anything in the store.

Locals can also get a 10% discount with proof of residence, says Peggy Branner, the shop’s longtime manager. A special promotion drives still more traffic into the shop: “Frenchy’s Passport to Paradise Cocktail Challenge.” Patrons can earn a free Frenchy’s Cocktail Challenge T-shirt or tank top by visiting all four Frenchy’s Clearwater Beach locations, ordering their signature drinks and getting their “passports” stamped.

Once someone gets all four stamps, they can come into Off the Hook and claim their free shirt. Holders of a completed passport also get 10% off anything else in the shop they want to buy.