Signs that sell

By Natalie Tan

Are you missing an opportunity with your signage?

Signage inside a selling space is usually the last thing in mind for most retailers, but this is a missed opportunity. Why? Because signage sells and offers the best return for the least amount of investment in time and materials. By printing and thoughtfully posting signs, you are tapping into a tremendously successful selling tool.

Signs make shopping a breeze

Store signage creates a seamless experience for customers, guiding them toward merchandise and emphasizing areas of the store you want to promote.

  • Signs allow customers to identity store organization. Visuals list the type of merchandise customers may expect to find in a section, on a selling unit and on a shelf.
  • When advertised specials are posted on signs, customers can find those items quickly and spend more time browsing other products. They can also compel customers to enter.
  • New arrival signs give shoppers a reason to visit your store.
  • When price signs contain product information, they become part of your silent selling strategy.
  • Signs featuring promotions for coordinating items help cross-sell and encourage larger purchases.
  • Product information listed or outlined on signs reminds customers why they need the product and reassures them of their buying decision.

Signs sell for you

According to Sonja Larson, author of “Signs That Sell,” an item that is signed can increase sales up to 24% compared to items without signage. When features and benefits are included in the sign, sales can increase up to 49%.

Considering that 80% of customers shop without a list and 53% make unplanned purchases, wouldn’t you want these shoppers to buy their unplanned purchases from you? LEK Partnership released the study “Sales Impact of Signs” and in one of its experiments, in-store displays and signs drove sales increases of up to 355%.

Signage size and strategy

Signage should correlate with product size. I create signs using photo/card stock and my inkjet printer. I avoid sign holders because the acrylic reflects light and makes it harder to view signs. For tables, I simply tent the cards so they stand or use adhesive to stabilize them. On floor racks, I adhere clips to the top of signs to hold them. Looking for some easy DIY selling signs? Check out